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Alquilar un piso en el Casco Antiguo, vivir en el corazón de Barcelona

  • hace 12 años
  • Sin categoría


In 2002 French director Cédric Klapisch chose Barcelona as the backdrop for his «L’ auberge espagnole», a film about the experience of a French Erasmus student in Barcelona. Besides showing the most beautiful corners, the film tells of a city that, in addition to being Catalan and Spanish, is deeply European. Living in the heart of a Mediterranean and cosmopolitan city like Barcelona means getting in touch with people from any part of Europe and the world.

The center of Barcelona offers all types of service to enjoy a high quality of life, and not just in terms of pure fun: transport, services for citizens, libraries, cultural centers, parks, markets and shops of all kinds to never lacking the necessities of life.
And the price of renting a downtown apartment can be very cheap, depending on the characteristics of the property .

The recent construction of the Film Library of Catalonia , together with previous MACBA ( Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona) and the CCCB (Centre of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona) , in the district of Raval , demonstrate how this neighborhood is subject to recovery and promotion policies.

In the same way, the announced opening of the new Cultural Centre in Borne, in the old market recently transformed and rehabilitated, make this a new symbol of the city ‘s attention to the production and fruition of cultural offerings.

The Old Town hosts all kinds of bars and restaurants with international cuisine, so each night can be a different experience.

Barcelona’s climate offers pleasant temperatures from April to October, and renting out an apartment in the center means living by the sea and enjoy the beach in a more comfortable way.

For this and many other reasons, renting  a flat in the center of Barcelona can be a unique experience for students and professionals.

The portfolio of properties of Casc Antic BCN offers a range of solutions for any need , for those who want independence and for those who want to share a flat with their university colleagues.

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