Lunes a Jueves: 10:00 - 15:00 / 16:00 - 19:00 | Viernes: 10:00 - 15:00

Property managers in Barcelona

Among the large number of services that Casc Antic BCN offers to its clients, property management service is dedicated to building owners who want to enjoy their income without having to worry about all the aspects related to the rental of all their properties .

In fact, a property administrator is responsible for managing the financial, legal and technical issues for the maintenance and financial management of properties. In performing these tasks, our main features are responsibility and absolute precision.

In more concrete terms and in relation to rentals, Casc Antic BCN is responsible for collecting, updating of prices, demand and control of payments, collections, management of deposits with Incasol and procedures to avoid fruitless paperwork and anomalies with energy supply companies.

In the relationship with tenants, our administration department is responsible for selecting the best tenants in terms of profile and payment guarantees. It also serves and solves the demands of tenants, requires compliance by contract agreements and provides legal advice on contractual matters.
Casc Antic BCN professionals can ensure the best legal defense for the owner to enjoy all the benefits and rights under the law and comply with the obligations established by the Ley de Arrendamiento and the Codi Civil Català.

Any property also needs a constant monitoring and careful maintenance. So we watch at all times by the state of the apartments and, with the consent of the owners, we do all the works and arrangements, the control and cost reduction.
Our comprehensive real estate market knowledge enables us to increase the performance of properties: increase revenue and reduce expenses. Each owner can control the finances of his building and, above all, ensure a satisfactory income.

The excellence in property management is what we offer, so that owners can trust us and enjoy the incomes from their property and investment.

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