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Do you want to sell your apartment in Barcelona?

If you have an empty apartment in Barcelona, ​​you may have already heard that in the next six months, a team of 15 people hired by the Barcelona City Council will try to locate it, according to an information from the newspaper El País. Apparently, they have already begun in the neighborhoods of Trinitat Nova, Bon Pastor, Baró de Viver and Besòs, starting with a list of apartments suspected of...

Buying or renting a house in Barcelona?

If among your purposes for next year is to change your house and your want to live in Barcelona, ​​it is possible that one of the questions that arise is that one: is it better to buy or to rent a house? And it is not a trivial matter since both options have their advantages and disadvantages. We want review them with you and, hopefully, we will help you to make a decision. The first thing to keep in...

Want to sell your flat in Barcelona?

Times have changed, years ago publishing an advertisement in any of the real estate portals was enough to sell your flat, as well as just spreading the voice. Today it takes a lot more than that to sell your property. Laws change as the market does: a real estate transaction is a more complex operation than before. You have to know the mechanisms of sale, know about arras contract, certificates of...

How to Calculate the Value of Your Apartment

Next year, home sales are expected to increase by 6.5% and prices to rise by 3.5% According to the latest real estate market studies, home sales are expected to increase by 6.5% and prices to rise by 3.5% next year. It is anticipated that the sale of houses will reach 475,000 transactions, despite the moderation in economic growth. Catalonia, along with Madrid and the Balearic Islands, will lead...

Foreign investment, main motor of the real state market in Barcelona

Buying a home in Barcelona as an investment property is a guaranteed success. The figures bear this out. If in Madrid, 25% of sales transactions are property investment, in Barcelona this percentage is almost the double. And, according to experts in real estate, the profitability that can be get in a rental can eventually reach up to 9% or even more, if it is intended as a tourist apartment. This  fact...

Why paying and not using it? Sell your house in Barcelona

The fear of running into delinquent debtors tenants or with people not very careful with our housing is one of the main brakes when deciding to rent your house in Barcelona. Well, in Barcelona and everywhere. Nobody wants their things to be broken or stolen. However, the City Council of Barcelona raised last month a propposal to charge a fee of 633 euros to the owners of empty houses (at least 2...

Houses with terrace in Barcelona, a midsummer night’s dream

With the summer and the good weather, the terraces of Barcelona become the most desired locations in the city. We love terraces so much that we even celebrate the Terraces Week in Barcelona, ​​organized by the Barcelona Hotel Association. During that week, around 60 hotels in Barcelona offer an extensive program of activities and special offers to make the most of its pleasant terraces and views of...

Have a successful real state investment in Barcelona

With the progressive standardization of real estate prices, it is not surprising that real estate investment continues to recover and that most of the sales transactions in Barcelona comes from investors who decide to buy a house atraccted by the city and the high profitability of housing in Barcelona. The profitability of investing in a home and then rent it has increased in Spain to a rate of 5.7%...

Dreaming about Barcelona? You should rent an apartment

How many times have you dreamed about living in the beautiful Barcelona? Why don’t you make it true and rent an apartment to experience in-situ the real Mediterranean-way-of-life? Imagine that you could have your own apartment here and come once a month, or twice. Or even every weekend! Why not? You don’t know where to start looking for a place to rent in Barcelona? Well, that’s why we will speak...

How to Choose a Real Estate Agency in Barcelona

If one of your goals for this year is to sell your home in Barcelona, you might be wondering what options you have to do so: would you prefer to sell your apartment through direct negotiation with individuals or would you rather sell it through a real estate agency? While the first option seems cheaper, it is proven that in the long run, it involves more hassles and problems for the individual...

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