Lunes a Jueves: 10:00 - 15:00 / 16:00 - 19:00 | Viernes: 10:00 - 15:00

November 2016

Buying or renting a house in Barcelona?

If among your purposes for next year is to change your house and your want to live in Barcelona, ​​it is possible that one of the questions that arise is that one: is it better to buy or to rent a house? And it is not a trivial matter since both options have their advantages and disadvantages. We want review them with you and, hopefully, we will help you to make a decision. The first thing to keep in...

Want to sell your flat in Barcelona?

Times have changed, years ago publishing an advertisement in any of the real estate portals was enough to sell your flat, as well as just spreading the voice. Today it takes a lot more than that to sell your property. Laws change as the market does: a real estate transaction is a more complex operation than before. You have to know the mechanisms of sale, know about arras contract, certificates of...

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