Lunes a Jueves: 10:00 - 15:00 / 16:00 - 19:00 | Viernes: 10:00 - 15:00

August 2024

Cabarets del Raval

History of El Raval: Between Cabarets and Workshops in the Bohemian Raval of the 1920s

History of El Raval: Between Cabarets and Workshops in the Bohemian Raval of the 1920s Between Cabarets and Workshops: The Bohemian Raval of the 1920s El Raval, the cultural heart of Barcelona, was a hub of bohemian life in the 1920s. This neighborhood, known for its cabarets and artisan workshops, attracted artists and creatives of all kinds. Join us on a journey through its fascinating history, and...

"Imagen fantasmagórica de una callejuela del Borne en Barcelona, representando leyendas y misterios del barrio histórico con una figura femenina etérea en un entorno invernal."

Mysteries and Legends of El Borne

Mysteries and Legends of El Borne Mysteries and Legends of El Borne: Discover the Hidden History in the Heart of Barcelona El Borne, located in the Old Town of Barcelona, is much more than a trendy neighborhood. Its cobblestone streets, historic buildings, and vibrant atmosphere hide stories and legends that have endured through the centuries. In this blog, we will explore some of the most...

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