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What’s new in the 2018 Income Tax Return?

The time to make the Income Tax Return for 2018 is approaching and it is convenient to know what deductions we can benefit from in the next finance statement. The period runs from April 2 to July 1 and the most important developments fall on the deduction of habitual residence.

The deduction for habitual residence

The reduction of habitual residence by investment was abolished in January 2013. However, in exchange a transitional regime was established to which those who had bought their house prior to that date could claim on their tax return.

This year, in addition, this deduction for habitual residence may also be requested by those who have allocated amounts to build, extend or rehabilitate their habitual residence or for those who have carried out works to improve the accessibility of disabled people to the home. In this way, the tax relief reaches 15% of the installments that have been paid by mortgages on a maximum amount of € 9,040

If you live in Barcelona

Also, although the reduction by investment is 15% in the aforementioned cases, if you do not fit inside them and live in Catalonia, all is not lost. You can deduct 7.5% if you are under 32, if you have been unemployed for more than 180 days or if you have at least one child. And if you have rented your usual home, enjoy a deduction of 10% of your entire fee. However, you can deduct a maximum of 300 euros.

Other developments to include in the rent

In addition, there are other news for this year that you are also interested in knowing:

1. Maternity

In your income draft you can also include a tax aid if you are a working mother with children under three years of age. You can apply 1200 euros or 100 euros per month. In addition, a daycare check up to € 1000 is included.

2. By large family

In general category, you can reduce your fee by 1200 euros, which amounts to € 2400 if you belong to the special category. As a novelty, from the fourth child has increased by 600 euros per year. In addition, you can request an early payment.

3. For contributing to pension plans

They can deduct up to 8000 euros or up to 30% of returns. More or less, for every 1000 euros you contribute, you will save up to € 240 for a marginal withholding rate of 24%.

4. For donations

It will be 75% for the first 150 € and 30% for the following. If they are donations in favor of the same entity in the two previous tax periods, it will be 35%.

The 2018 Income brings us many news related to deductions in usual housing. Also, we invite you to discover maternity deductions or daycare expenses.

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